Invitations to Private Beta Language Learning

I was recently invited to beta test a French language program on a language fluentU logolearning website.  (You can participate too – see below!)

The site, FluentU, consists of a wide variety of resources for multiple language levels:  newbie, elementary, intermediate, upper intermediate, advanced, and native.  As an advocate for the French language, and a former French teacher, I was intrigued and readily accepted.


There is a wide selection of movie trailers, songs, and other amusing videos of various topics – each one targeted to a particular level of language ability.  But, what’s really impressive is the seamless integration of dialogue and grammar, included as a sub-title for each frame of the video (like watching a YouTube video with French subtitles).  You can quickly pause each frame, to confirm your understanding of the spoken dialogue, or simply, to add a vocabulary word to a list for later review.  There is also a corresponding, written dialogue for the video, so you have listening, grammar, and reading comprehension all in one!

The videos provide authentic conversational dialogue, including slang and colloquial language, for a “real life” language experience.

For each video, you get:

fluentU screenshot



  • French subtitles
  • The translation for each French word as you hover your mouse over it
  • A *SRS tool to learn vocabulary in a fun way


FluentU needs your help, as the program is consistently being developed and fine-tuned, to help make the site even better.

Invitations are now closed, so I invite you to sign up directly on the FluentU website!

They need more learners to test the system. They have asked me to give away ten fifteen closed, beta invites to their service!

How? Just comment on this blog post with your email address OR email me at and I’ll send the list to FluentU. This is open on a first come, first served basis.

Bonne chance!

* SRS stands for Spaced Repetition System, which manages the words for you and asks you to study them just before you start – this facilitates long term memorization.


22 thoughts on “Invitations to Private Beta Language Learning

  1. Wendy York says:

    As a former teacher too, I’m interested in how language is taught. My own expereience of trying to learn French has been of formally learning verbs by rote or haphazard conversation. This multi-media method may be a much more enjoyable and comprehensive learning experience.

  2. elladyer says:

    Always looking for ways to expand upon my limited language skills. Sign me up!

  3. I would love to be involved!!! Let me know!!!!

  4. Anne Marie says:

    Yes I would try it.

  5. colormusing says:

    I’d be happy to test it. How much time would this take?

  6. Sandy Vann says:

    I would love to try this out Kim. Thanks, looks really fun and helpful!

  7. I would love to try this. My four-year-old granddaughter is fluent in French. It’s hard to keep up!

  8. Mary-James says:

    Probably too late to join but i can use all the help I can get…

  9. Christopher Robinson says:

    I would love to try it if I’m not too late

  10. Would love to try this if I’m not too late. thanks

  11. Well I would certainly be interested in trying this out..I find it so difficult to learn the French language so I could use all the help I can get.


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